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State Assessments

State Assessment Overview

This page provides information about the state assessments conducted last spring. These assessments offer valuable insights into student academic progress, helping us refine our instructional strategies to better support each student’s educational journey.

Individual Student Score Reports

Your student’s individual score reports should be received by this fall, as indicated in the table below, based on their grade level last school year.

Grade Level (2023-2024)  Included Score Reports
7th Grade CMAS – Math, English Language Arts
8th Grade CMAS – Math, English Language Arts, Science
9th Grade PSAT 8/9
10th Grade PSAT 10
11th Grade SAT, CMAS Science


If you did not receive your student’s individual score reports, please reach out to Bria Collins at


Understanding Your Student's Scores

The scores from the state assessments are designed to provide a snapshot of your student’s academic progress in key subject areas. Here’s how to interpret the scores:

  • Score Levels: Each assessment score falls into specific performance levels, such as "Exceeds Expectations," "Meets Expectations," "Approaching Expectations," or "Below Expectations." These levels indicate how well your student is performing relative to the expected standards for their grade level.

  • Growth Indicators: Some reports may include growth indicators, showing how much progress your student has made compared to previous years. This helps to understand their development over time.

  • Areas of Strength and Improvement: The scores highlight areas where your student excels and where they may need additional support. This can guide targeted learning strategies to help them improve.

  • Next Steps: Based on the scores, you can discuss with teachers or school counselors to plan any necessary interventions or enrichment activities that may benefit your student.

For a more detailed explanation, please refer to the video and guide resources provided through the QR codes below.


Grade Level (23-24) Included Score Reports Video Guide  En español
7th Grade CMAS – Math, English Language Arts  

Scan the code ↘


8th Grade CMAS – Math, English Language Arts, Science

Scan the code ↘

9th Grade PSAT 8/9

10th Grade PSAT 10

11th Grade SAT

11th Grade CMAS Science  

Scan the code ↘



Accessing AP Exam Scores

For students who took AP exams last year, please encourage them to log onto their AP College Board account to view their scores if they have not already done so.

Questions or Concerns?

Please reach out to Bria Collins at!