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Nurse Overview

Nurse Overview

Healthy Students, Brighter Futures 

At Telluride Schools, our registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and trained health assistants work together to foster a healthy learning environment. 

Our Vision & Mission: 

Our vision is for every student in the Telluride school district to be healthy and safe while achieving academic success. Our mission highlights accessible healthcare, prevention, wellness, safety, and collaboration with parents and staff to enable students to perform at their personal best. 

What We Do: 

  • Promote Healthy Lifestyles: We encourage students to embrace healthy habits that begin at home and continue at school. 

  • Provide Care During School Hours: Whether your child needs an acute injury, chronic health condition, or wellness check, our health offices are ready to help. 

  • Support Special Health Needs: If your child has specific health requirements, we coordinate with you and healthcare providers to meet those needs in school. 


Meet Our Staff!

Betsy Muennich, BSN, RN, NCSN 

District School Nurse 

Office Phone: 970-369-7103 


Michelle St. Onge, BSN, RN 

Registered Nurse at Telluride Elementary School 

Office Phone: 970-369-6930 


Do you have questions or concerns? Please contact our nursing staff at any time during the school year. We're here for your child and you!