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Student Resources

Student Resources

  • Agricola board gameAgricola - a worker placement game with a focus on resource management. In Agricola, players are farmers who sow, plow the fields, collect wood, build stables, buy animals, expand their farms, and feed their families.


    Azul Board gameAzul - players need to plan many steps to out-think the opponents. Players need to fill up their game boards to maximize their scores smartly; however, at the same time, be cautious about opponents' threats.


    Backgammon board gameBackgammon - involves a combination of strategy and luck (from rolling dice).



    Blokus board gameBlokus - an abstract strategy board game for two to four players, where players try to score points by occupying most of the board with pieces of their color.


    Catan Board gameCatan - The Settlers of Catan is a strategy game where players collect resources and use them to build roads, settlements, and cities on their way to victory. The board is variable, making each game slightly different from the next.


    Chess gameChess - play online against a leveled computer or multiplayer with another student.



    Cadenames card gameCodenames - a card game for 4–8 players. Two teams compete by having a "spymaster" give one-word clues pointing to multiple words on the board. The other players on the team attempt to guess their team's words while avoiding the other team's observations.


    Flow Free gameFlow Free - Try to connect the dots, leaving no open spaces!



    Go Board gameGo - a two-player strategic board game. It's one of the most challenging traditional chess where players compete against each other in conquering territories.


    Launchball computer gameLaunchball - Slide, bounce, and spring through 30 obstacle-filled courses.



    Logic PuzzlesLogic puzzles - choose your grid size and difficulty level, and solve these logic puzzles online! Click to create an X, click again to make an O, and click a third time to erase.


    Mancala board gameMancala - move stones around the board. If you end with your stone in your scoring area, get an extra turn. Try to get the most rocks in your scoring area to win the game!


    Mastermind board gameMastermind - Try to break the code in 10 tries or less. Put your logic and reasoning skills to the test!



    Numbrix gameNumbrix - Deductive number puzzle - fill in the numbers (1-81). Each number has to touch the following number. So one has to handle 2, 2 has to connect 3, until 81.


    Othello board gameOthello - Strategy board game for two players. Each round, a player gets to place one of their colored disks on the board. The goal is to have more of your color than the other player's color at the end of the game. You get to flip over colors that are in between your chips!


    Peg Jumping gamePeg-jumping game (similar to Hoppers) - Jump over pegs to remove them. Try to have only one peg left to win the game!


    Pic-a-Pix gamePic-a-Pix: Create a picture by filling or placing spaces in the boxes. Each row or column tells you how many packages need to be filled before there is at least one space. For example, if a row says 9, 2, there will be nine filled-in squares in a row, followed by at least one area, followed by two filled-in squares.


    Rush Hour puzzle gameRush Hour is a spatial puzzle where you move cars to get the red car out of the lot.



    Scrabble setScrabble - scrabble game you can play online and test your grammatical boundaries of the created words. Can you beat computer intelligence in this online Scrabble game? You can find out what you're up to do with these magic letters and form words that will bring you the most points.


    Set board game

    Set - Find sets that are all alike or all different (color, shape, number, fill)


    Century Spice Road gameSpice Road - a 2-5 players abstract strategic game. Players compete in harvesting and trading spices efficiently to claim victory.


    Splendor Card gameSplendor - a game of chip-collecting and card development. Players are merchants trying to buy gem mines, means of transportation, shops—all to acquire the most points.


    Stratego board gameStratego - a game in which you must capture your opponent's flag while defending your flag. To capture the flag, you use your army of 40 pieces. Pieces have a rank and represent individual officers and soldiers in an army. In addition to those ranked pieces, you can use bombs to protect your flag.


    SudokuSudoku - Number puzzle where you have to have 1 through 9 in every row, column, and box. Choose your difficulty on the left-hand side of the screen (easy, medium, rigid, or even!)


    7 Wonders Duel game7 Wonders Duel - each player leads a civilization and constructs buildings and wonders throughout 3 Ages. Each Age card represents a Building that will help the player strengthen their army, make scientific discoveries, and develop their city.

  • These Digital Breakout Rooms combine an Escape room with academic content. Instead of breaking out of a room, students must figure out the combinations of actual locks attached to a box with something hidden inside.

    40 Digital Breakouts OR pick a themed one below:

    • Halloween Themed Breakouts

      • Halloween Dash - The goblin has stolen all of the Halloween candy. He locked it in his monster box. Could you figure out the clues he left behind, or will you not get any sweet treats this year?

      • Help Spidey Save Halloween - Spidey is confused. His friend, the Witch, put a spell on him that made him forget Halloween. Help Spidey Open the Locks and Break the Spell so he can have a Happy Halloween.

    • Thanksgiving Themed Breakouts

      • Turkey Trot - Toby Turkey loves to dance; the Turkey Trot is his favorite. Help him figure out the clues, learn dance moves, find his friends, Breakout of the Barn, and start Dancing!

      • Talkin Turkey - Gobble, gobble, squawk, squawk. Can you make the turkey talk?

    • Christmas and Winter winter-themed breakouts

      • Elf Panic - It's almost Christmas Eve, and Santa's elves are frantically working to finish up the orders of toys for all the boys and girls. But one reindeer has taken their toolbox, and the elves need help to finish the job. Work through the clues and help the elves find their toolbox before Santa finds out and Christmas has to be canceled!!

      • Save Christmas - Save Christmas! Help Santa deliver presents, find critical characters, organize the gifts, and spread the Christmas cheer for all to hear.

      • Finding Frosty - It's snowing, it's snowing, and the wind will soon be blowing! The only way to bring Frosty to life is to make him yourself, but can you get out there and assemble him before the wind blows his pieces away?

  • Kids Listen bannerHear the best in podcasts for kids from Kids Listen, a grassroots organization that advocates for high-quality children’s audio.

    Kids Listen


    Girl listening to podcast on her headphonesPodcasts for gifted learners. Topics include coding, physics, architecture and design, historical storytelling, science, philosophy, and more!!

    Podcasts for Gifted Learners

  • about Google Maps

    about Google Maps

    Unleash your inner explorer and travel the world without leaving home.




    Wonderopolis® is a place where natural curiosity and imagination lead to exploration and discovery in learners of all ages. Each day, we pose an intriguing question—the Wonder of the Day®—and explore it in various ways.


    a Google a day

    A Google A Day

    There's no right way to solve it, but only one correct answer.


    5 Clue Challenge

    5 Clue Challenge

    In each of these videos, you will get five clues to try and guess a location. Locations can be countries, cities, or even buildings. Safe travels!




    The best way to learn a new language in a fun way


    Crash Course

    Crash Course

    High-quality educational videos available to everyone for free on YouTube


    Crash Course Kids

    Crash Course Kids

    This bi-weekly show from the producers of Crash Course is all about grade school science. We'll look at Earth, Habitats, Space, Chemical Reactions, Engineering, and more.


    Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize

    You don't have to be a genius to understand the work of the Nobel Laureates. These educational games and animated interactives, based on Nobel Prize-awarded achievements, will teach and inspire you while you're having fun!


    Dollar Street

    Dollar Street

    Imagine the world as a street ordered by income. Everyone lives somewhere on the road. The poorest live to the left, and the richest live to the right. Everybody else lives somewhere in between.


    Free Rice - WFP

    Free Rice

    Play online, learn online, and feed the hungry!

    For every correct answer you choose, 10 grains of rice are raised to help end world hunger.


    Pixar in a Box

    Pixar In A Box

    From Khan Academy, Pixar in a Box is a behind-the-scenes look at how Pixar artists do their jobs.


    Quick Draw

    Quick Draw

    Can a neural network learn to recognize doodling? Please take a look at how well it does with your drawing...




    Engaging, meaningful civics learning


    Ted Ed


    TED-Ed’s mission is to spark and celebrate learning on various topics.


    What Should I Read Next

    Could you tell me what I should read next?

    Enter a book you like, and the site will analyze our vast database of real readers' favorite books to provide book recommendations and suggestions for what to read next.


    The Art Assignment

    The Art Assignment is a video series that profiles innovative artists and presents you with an assignment to produce a work of art in their style or using their technique. You are encouraged to upload and share your creations online.


    Big History Project

    Big History examines our past, explains our present, and imagines our future. It's a story about us. This growing, multi-disciplinary approach is focused on high school students yet designed for anyone seeking answers to the big questions about the history of our Universe.

    Grade 6 and up


    Brain Craft

    Brain Craft - Vanessa Hill is your neighborhood science educator and psychology specialist. On BrainCraft, she makes videos about your brain, body, and behavior to help you better understand yourself and the world. Her mission is to empower you with evidence-based information to enrich your everyday life – to boost well-being, strengthen relationships, and increase productivity.


    Google Arts and Culture

    Google Arts & Culture allows you to explore museum collections worldwide. There is so much to love about this resource! Check out the Art Zoom projects, where you are taken on a close-up tour of several of the world's most famous paintings. Or try exploring the works of Vincent Van Gogh by the color palate. This is the next best thing if you can't go to a museum.


    It's Okay to be Smart

    It's Okay To Be Smart - Hosted by Joe Hanson and part of the PBS Digital Studios Network, this YouTube series is a show about science, but "it's probably not about science the way that you are used to it.” It's Okay To Be Smart solves mysteries like How an Igloo Keeps You Warm and Why Salt & Pepper Ended Up On Every Table in a fun, informative, and entertaining manner.


    Physics Girl

    Physics Girl is a YouTube channel created by Dianna Cowern that adventures into the physical sciences with experiments, demonstrations, and incredible discoveries. Physics Girl has videos for every atom and eve.


    The Kid Should See This

    The Kid Should See This - There’s so much science, nature, music, art, technology, storytelling, and assorted good stuff my kids (and maybe your kids) haven’t seen. It’s most likely not stuff that was made for them…. But we don’t underestimate kids around here.