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TMHS Weekly Email 8/30/24

Posted Date: 8/30/24 (5:20 PM)

TMHS Weekly EMail
Community newsletter
August 30, 2024
No paparazzi please
Week 2 down!!
Well Folks we have all survived 9 days of school. CONGRATS!
As you take in movies, camp, head to the dessert, chill on the sofa, take a hike, or simply spend the entire time reading my email, I hope you enjoy this Labor Day weekend.
We are back in the swing of things and the start of school has gone awesome. We are grateful to Telluride Film Fest for the premier showing of BLINK with our students. The students loved it and we are thrilled that TFF is here!
FRQ Answers HERE
Fall PE
Fall PE starts this week! Here is the bell schedule: Fall PE Bell Students signed up this past week and we are sorting through the final details. Ms. Kimble will be posting groups on schoology on Tuesday. Some groups will be sending schoology messages today or over the weekend on more details. The students and teachers are excited to to take on this new endeavor.
Free & Reduced Application
Free & Reduced Lunch Application 
The free and reduced lunch application should be completed if you need fee reductions in any areas; class fees, athletic fees, winter pe scholarships. 
Example calendar with dates pinned
Upcoming Events
Miner Community Meetings are normally the first Tuesday of the month but for September our meeting will be September 10th @ 3:30 Sept. 10 Miner Community Agenda

TMHS Back to School Night:
parents will visit all 7 classes on an abbreviated schedule. We will start at 5:10. The detailed schedule is located in the parent edition of the answers. 

Audition for Little Shop of Horrors Little Shop of Horrors Audition Flier

PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) – Saturday, October 26, 2024 
We will be offering the PSAT for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students on Saturday, October 26th. 
There is no fee for this exam. The deadline to sign up is September 10th and the school will register your student: PSAT Sign up 10.26
The PSAT for 11th grade students is the National Merit Scholarship Program qualifying test. Find more information about the exam and preparation here. 
More details will be shared with families in upcoming newsletters. 

Columbia Trip:
Colombia June 2025: There are 10 spots left for the trip to Colombia June 12-25, 2025. Information and signups can be found at . If you have any questions, please reach out to Sara López or Ramon Rodriguez

National Honor Society & Junior Society:
For students interested in applying to the National Honor Society (grades 10-12): How to qualify for the National Honor Society

For students interested in applying for the National Junior Honor Society (grades 7-8):
Bright Idea on a cork board
Important Reminders
Please remember that school will be closed Monday in observance of Labor Day.
MS and HS bills were sent out this earlier this week please disregard if you have paid this week and they crossed.
Starting Tuesday if a student has their cell phone or airpods taken during a class we will hold the device until the parent comes to pick up. The students have been doing a great job and we appreciate your support as we make the classroom for learning.
Parent Book Club
In partnership with our counselors we will be doing a parent book club on The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. If you are interested in participating please complete this BOOK CLUB FORM
We encourage you to either download or purchase your own copy but if you need us to provide a copy please designate on the form.

Telluride Choral Society
The Telluride Choral Society Youth Choirs will begin rehearsals on Friday, September 13th. The first rehearsal will be an info session and mini-rehearsal where all students can show up and try it out! Please see the attached flyers and contact or if you have any questions.
Person using a laptop
Contact info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach out via the following links:

  • 970-369-1221