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TMHS Weekly Email 3/21/2025

Posted Date: 3/21/25 (10:02 PM)


Welcome to Spring TMHS!!

I hope you are either happy that Spring is officially here, or happy that we got a beautiful snow, or just happy to be me!
It's been a very busy week, and we are on the countdown to Spring Break. Please remember extended travel before or after Spring Break is not excused, and makes it difficult for our staff and students. Please be considerate and respectful in planning your travels. We all appreciate your attention to this important matter.

Attention all 8th Graders!

The 8th grade avalanche field trip will be this next Wednesday, March 26th. Permission slips, including an important gear list, were sent home today. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Derek Engebretsen at

Attention all JUNIORS!

Mark your calendar Jenni Ward and Rex Lybrand will be hosting a “mandatory/strongly encouraged” junior parent meeting on Tuesday, April 1st at 5:30 pm in the Palm. 

They will be sharing information to prepare for College Application season and post secondary planning including the financial aid process.  

This meeting is for EVERYONE; those who are not going to college, those who are going to trade school, those who are working with a private counselor - anyone and everyone! 

This will be an in-person meeting only. Students are encouraged to attend with parents. 

Other grade levels are welcome to attend but it is targeted for juniors. We do understand that some students and parents will be at athletic events and we will record the event for those parents. 

We look forward to seeing you on April 1st.  

Attention all SENIORS!

Rex has gotten word that the team at Going Merry has loaded all the scholarships. I can’t access anything yet, but maybe you could try. Go to and register and look for TELLURIDE local scholarships! Stoked! Rex will be recovering next week but will try to help remotely

TMHS Athletics

MS Coed Track/Field practice starts MONDAY, March 24th. For registration information click here. Your student must be completely registered before they can participate in practice.
Spring Sports Awards Night is May 28th at 5pm.
The Athletic Game Schedule and more athletic information can be found at
You can follow TMHS Athletics on Instagram and Facebook.
Live Streaming for all home games can be found here.

talent show

District Information

District Dates:
  • District Accountability – March 24th at 5:15 Bridal Veil/Zoom – agenda can be found here
  • KOTO Access- March 27th
  • Telluride’s Got Talent – Get Your ACT together! Cash Prices. Auditions March 24th & 25! 
Community Info:
  • Cardboard Sled Derby – Saturday March 22nd
  • Summer EBT is a program that helps families buy food during the summer months. Eligible students will receive $120 to purchase groceries with funds placed on an EBT card. Fill out the free and reduced lunch form at your school today! Learn more about Summer EBT and how it works at