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3/14/25 TMHS Weekly Email

Posted Date: 3/14/25 (9:57 PM)

TMHS Weekly Email
Have a wonderful weekend!
March 14, 2025
funny week
Huge Thank You
We hosted our first ever Make A Wish Colorado week here at TMHS. It was a huge success; and we are so proud to provide this support to a great cause that helps kids. Thank you so much to each of you that helped and supported this event.
School Climate Survey
School Climate Surveys - As part of monitoring our Ends Policy goal of fostering a safe and healthy community through “consistent student and staff culture across buildings which supports achieving our ends”, we will have students in grades 3-12, staff, and parents complete the School Climate Assessment Instruments (SCAI) developed and administered by the Alliance for the Study of School Climate (ASSC) in the month of March. The SCAI surveys, which are scientifically developed and third-party administered and analyzed, are rated as one of the most effective school climate tools. Below are the links to the parent survey in both English and Spanish. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey, as it provides valuable data on areas of strength and improvement. This survey will be open through the month of March.
Parent Survey - English
Parent Survey - Spanish
College Counselor Note
Pledges are rollin’ in to the college counseling office! It is truly inspiring to see this supportive community come together to help send our seniors into the world with scholarships to help fund their future ambitions.
We are currently finalizing aspects of the local scholarships. This linked PDF for the application and this spreadsheet of former donors will be online soon through Going Merry for students to send applications.
Most local applications will be due the Friday after Spring Break, April 25th. KOTO night when the scholarship recipients will be awarded will be May 27th.
Reach out to for any questions (please do not question the donors!).

The National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society in conjunction with the National Spanish Honor Society will hold their induction ceremony Wednesday, March 19th at 6pm in the Palm Theater. The program should take no more than an hour.

Phone Policy & Town Hall Update
Starting Monday, all MS kids (including yearbook) must lock up their phones and watches. Please reiterate to your students, this is non-negotiable.
All teachers will take attendance by phones in lockers. We understand some students do not have devices of so please email Ms. Kimble to let us know.

Link to Town Hall presentation on Phones and TMHS

trip flyer
Travel Opportunity
Scandinavia Trip – June 2026
Join us for an unforgettable journey through five of the most stunning countries in Europe! Travel by plane, boat, bus, and train as you explore Scandinavia, immersing yourself in the rich history and culture of each capital city.
Available to current 8th – 11th grade students.
               Enroll here -
Bus Safety & Protocol
Please review the bus dos and don't.
We appreciate you reiterating this to your students before Monday!
Miner Community Meeting
Here are the minutes from our most recent Miner COmmunity Meeting n March 4th: Miner Community minutes

TMHS Athletics
HS Spring Sports practice has already started. Your student must be completely registered before they can participate in practice. For registration information click here.
MS Coed Track/Field practice starts March 24th. For registration information click here.
Winter Sports Banquet - March 18th at 5pm.
The Athletic Game Schedule and more athletic information can be found at
You can follow TMHS Athletics on Instagram and Facebook.
Live Streaming for all home games can be found here.
State Assessment Snapshot
District Info
District Dates:
  • BOE Work Session – March 17th at 3:30 pm – agenda and packet can be found here Bridal Veil/Zoom
  • BOE Monthly Meeting – March 18th at 5:15 pm – agenda and packet can be found here Bridal Veil/Zoom
  • Coffee Talk with the Superintendent – March 20th at Liv 8-9 am
  • District Accountability – March 24th at 5:15 Bridal Veil/Zoom
  • KOTO Access- March 27th
  • Telluride’s Got Talent – Get Your ACT together! Cash Prices. Auditions March 24th & 25! 
Community Info:
  • Cardboard Sled Derby – Saturday March 22nd
  • Summer EBT is a program that helps families buy food during the summer months. Eligible students will receive $120 to purchase groceries with funds placed on an EBT card. Fill out the free and reduced lunch form at your school today! Learn more about Summer EBT and how it works at