Miner Bee Messenger
Weekly Communication for TES Families
February 28, 2025
Thank you to everyone that attended Parent Teacher Conferences this past week. If you were unable to attend, please make sure you reach out to your child's teacher to set up a time to meet.
Our PBIS Theme for March is "Miner Bees Have Grit". What is grit? Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance. Sticking with things that are hard.
Students will earn beach balls that will be added to the nets being hung in the cafeteria. We will celebrate on April 4th with a Beach Party!
We have our Spring Literacy Night on Monday, March 3rd at the Wilkinson Public Library from 5:00-6:00. Please join us if you can!
Enjoy your weekend!
Kelly Treinen
Telluride Elementary School
(970) 369-1219
Returning Student Registration~ Deadline March 12th
For returning students the registration process is very simple and will not take long.
Please take advantage of this opportunity to confirm that all contact information is correct and you have at least three emergency contacts on file for your student(s). Please complete all registration paperwork by March 12th. Registering allows administration to know enrollment numbers and begin work on staffing and schedules. You only need to complete 3 forms: A, C and E.
When entering demographic information please enter as much information as possible, including the Relationship to Student, Custody, Lives With, School Pickup, and Emergency Contact fields. Include at least one phone number and/or email address for each contact. IMPORTANT: For all contacts you wish to receive school communications (email, voice, text) and sure you check the "Receives Mail" box at the bottom of the contact record. Also make sure to enter physical and mailing addresses as appropriate Each contact may have multiple phone numbers, email addresses and addresses.
Pre-Registration for 25.26 Kindergarten Opens March 12th
Incoming Kindergarten Parent Meeting 2025.2026
Who: Parents of incoming Kindergarten Students
What: Learn about Dual Immersion and Traditional programs at TES from Joanna McDonald, DI Coordinator and Kelly Treinen, TES Principal. This presentation should help you make the decision between the two programs. Specifics about the school day from the teacher will be presented in August. DI Forms will be passed out at this event.
Where: Telluride Elementary School Cafeteria
When: Tuesday, March 11th @ 5:30 pm
**Dual Immersion Intent to Commit deadline is March 28 at 9:00 am
District Literacy Team Meeting
Do you have ideas on how TSD could build partnerships with parents better? We want to hear from you!
We invite K-12 parents to the District Literacy Team Meeting on Monday, March 3rd from 3:30-5:00 pm at TIS in Room 111. Our focus will be on how to better partner with parents around your child’s literacy development. This is a great opportunity to provide feedback on important topics like homework and grading, parent communication, understanding your child as a reader, and ways to improve literacy events and outreach. Your input helps shape our approach to supporting student success. All are welcome. Spanish interpretation will be provided. If Zoom is a better option for you, please feel free to join using the link HERE. We look forward to seeing you! Please reach out to Emily Bordogna, District Literacy Coordinator, at embordogna@telluride.k12.co.us with any questions.
Emily Bordogna
District Literacy Coordinator
Telluride School District
Hello families,
In partnership with your child's school, Tri-County Health Network (TCHNetwork) is pleased to offer Skippy, a school based dental program providing comprehensive oral healthcare to your child at no out of pocket cost to you. Through Skippy we bring dental care to your children so they can spend more time in the classroom and less time traveling to a dentist!
The Skippy dental team provides the following preventive care:
• Dental Exam
• X-Rays
• Fluoride treatment
• Protective Sealants
• Cleaning
• Education to your children about how to brush and floss
• Free toothbrush, toothpaste and floss
• If needed, primary restorative care: in the form of Interim Temporary Restorations (ITR) and Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF)
This convenient dental visit takes about 30-45 minutes and gets your child back in the classroom quickly.
The Telluride School District clinic will begin on Thursday March 6th, 2024. The clinic will operate on Friday March 7th and then again Wednesday March 19, 20, and 21 and again on Wednesday March 26, 27 and 28th at the TIS/MS/HS (until we have seen all students enrolled). We will begin the elementary school clinic on Wednesday March 2nd, Thursday March 3rd and Friday March 4th.
If you would like to sign your child up, please fill out the consent form by going to https://tchnetwork.org/skippy-consent/. This consent is valid for the entire school year, both fall and spring semesters, unless revoked by a parent or guardian. Remember, if you sign up for the fall you are automatically enrolled for the spring semester. For questions, please email dental-coord@tchnetwork.org.
Skippy is offered at no out-of-pocket costs to all families. If you have dental insurance, we will bill for services just like other dental offices. TCHNetwork offers health insurance enrollment assistance if you need insurance.
Community/District Info 2.21.25
Community Info:
- Me & My VIP Dance Party – Thursday, March 13th 5-7 pm at the Black Box. Bring your VIP for an evening of DJ Dancing, Pizza and Fun.
- Summer EBT is a program that helps families buy food during the summer months. Eligible students will receive $120 to purchase groceries with funds placed on an EBT card. Fill out the free and reduced lunch form at your school today! Learn more about Summer EBT and how it works at cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt
District Dates:
BOE Work Session – March 17th
BOE Monthly Meeting – March 18th
Coffee Talk with the Superintendent – March 20th
District Accountability – March 24th
KOTO Access- March 27th
Thursday, February 27th
- Additional Kindergarten DI Conference
Monday, March 3rd
- Additional 1st Grade DI Conference
- District Literacy Meeting 3:30-5:30 TIS Rm 111
Friday, March 7th
- Half day PK-12, student dismissal 12:00
Tuesday, March 11th
- Dual Immersion Parent Information Night 5:30, TES Cafeteria
Wednesday, March 12th
- Kindergarten 25.26 Pre-registration Opens
Friday, April 4th
- PBIS Beach Party @ 2:30 TES GYM
Monday, May 12th
- Returning Student Registration CLOSES
- Valley Floor Day
Thursday, March 13th
- Me and My VIP Dance Party
Friday, March 28th
- Dual Immersion Deadline 9am
Monday, April 7th- Friday April 18th
Telluride Elementary School
Principal: Kelly Treinen