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TMHS Weekly Email 1/17/2025

Posted Date: 1/17/25 (10:49 PM)

TMHS Weekly Email
Enjoy a 3 day weekend!
January 17, 2025
MLK day
Update from Superintendent Pandolfo
We want to provide you with an update regarding the recent PowerSchool data breach and the steps being taken to address it. PowerSchool has confirmed that some of our district’s records were accessed during the breach. They have assured us that they are committed to meeting all legal requirements related to this incident. Additionally, our district IT team is actively monitoring our systems to ensure no further unauthorized access occurs. According to PowerSchool, the data breach primarily involves parent and student contact information, including names and addresses. In some cases across their customer base, personally identifiable information (PII) such as Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and medical information, was also affected. To support those impacted, PowerSchool has committed to: (1) Directly notifying individuals whose information was accessed; and (2) Offering Identity Protection and Credit Monitoring services to affected individuals. This was part of a large-scale international breach which appears to have significantly impacted PowerSchool’s capacity to respond as quickly as we would prefer. However, they assure us that they are working diligently to address the situation. For more information, including frequently asked questions, please visit PowerSchool’s incident page: SIS Incident | PowerSchool. Thank you for your understanding and patience regarding this challenging situation. If you have any immediate concerns, please feel free to reach out.

Attendance Reminder
In some grades our attendance is improving and in some instances it is getting worse. A couple reminders:
  • Students learn best when they are in school, learning from teachers.
  • Please plan vacations around school vacations and not extend spring break or 3 day weekends.
  • It puts a lot of added work on our teachers to reteach material that has been taught in class. 
  • If a student is absent please notify Kelly Youngstrom
  • Every day we follow up with student absences that we know about, Sara Lopez will begin assisting Ms. Kimble in the follow up and you may hear from her. 
  • We are going to be putting additional rewards and incentives in place for students who come to school on time, we want to ensure we are acknowledging all the students who are doing the right thing!

Ski PE
New Attendance Information
All attendance will be taken at the beginning of Winter PE at 1:15pm on both Thursday and Friday in each Winter PE program. You must be on time and participate to be counted in attendance and receive credit. 
If you are participating in Telski Ski PE, you must be on time. Your group will not wait for you. You will not be able to participate in Ski PE if you arrive after your ski group leaves. Free skiing is not allowed during Winter PE.
Study Hall is only open to students that have it requested by a teacher due to make up work or make test. It is not an option if your student just does not feel like skiing.
If your student is ill or injured you as a parent can call (970-369-1237) or email
Kelly Youngstrom ( to excuse them and they will be released from school.
Phone Policy Update
Just a reminder on our phone policy. MS students lock their phones in a phone locker every morning and can retrieve it at the end of 7th period. 
HS Students cannot have their phones or air pods bell to bell. Please be aware if we take a phone from a student a parent or guardian will need to come pick it up. Please remind your students it is their responsibility to have their phone away. 

MS spirit week
Middle School Winter Spirit Week
The week of January 27-31 the middle school will be having a bunch of events:
All week will be Winter Spirit Week!

Wednesday: Pep Rally- students must sign up by next Wednesday using this link: Winter Pep Rally Signup

Time: 5:30-7
Location: Cafeteria/Blackbox
Details: $10 will gain entry to the dance and enter the student for a raffle for gift cards and a pair of AirPod Pros! Must be present to win!!
TMHS Athletics

TMHS Athletics
MS Girls Basketball practice has started. Your student must be completely registered before they can participate in practice. For registration information click here.
HS Boys and Girls Basketball Team Photos - January 14th at 3:30pm in the TMHS gym.

Home Game Admissions
As we embark on a new year of scholastics and athletics, we have been working with the Booster Club to come up with ways to raise funds for our student-athletes for things that are beyond the allocated budget.  To that end, we had to start with basic fundraising initiatives that are common practice in most schools:  Concessions & Admissions.  
With the help of our Booster Club, a consistent offering of concessions at our basketball games is now available and appreciated. Boosters will continue to do this throughout the season to help raise money & provide a much-needed amenity to the teams and families.  
Starting on Saturday, January 11, we will re-introduce the pre-pandemic practice of charging a nominal admission fee ($5 per adult, students and kids are free) for our home games.  This Saturday’s games will be an optional donation and then we will move forward with making it a standard fee for entry for the remainder of our home games.  
We appreciate your understanding and acknowledging the efforts of our Booster Club on behalf of our student-athletes. ALL of the money raised goes back to help support your child’s student-athlete experience.
Thanks for your support, 
Telluride Athletic Department

The Athletic Game Schedule and more athletic information can be found at
You can follow TMHS Athletics on Instagram and Facebook.
Live Streaming for all home games can be found here.

TEF Event-Save the Date
What:  Skate Party for 6-8 Graders. Free event including free food, free drinks, and free skate rentals. We will also have volunteers helping folks that want to learn how to skate. 
Where: Hanley Rink
When: Wednesday Feb 12 from 6:00 to 7:30PM
Note: For those that need Skate Rentals, parents need to sign a waver. They can contact Dori Crowe to get printed copies in English or Spanish. I am attaching them here too, just in case. 
What's next: Kids should save the date! Parents should be on the lookout for a signup genius with different ways to volunteer to help with this event. Parents should also sign a waiver and give it to Dori Crowe if their kids will need skates from the Nordic Center (free of charge).

Students in grades, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12 have received invitations to apply for membership to our NJHS or NHS Clubs. Applications are via electronic form and are due Monday, February 3rd by 8:00 am. NO EXCEPTIONS. Students qualify to apply with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. If you have any questions, please contact Tara Pignoli Thank you!
SPED kid
Community & District Information
Please reinforce information regarding adding emergency contacts on top of your weekly emails (not in the community part) – here is a copy to the link here
  • January 21st:  BOE Monthly Meeting at 5:15 Bridal Veil Conference Room/Zoom. Agenda and Zoom information can be found at:
  • January 27th:  District Accountability 5:15 pm Bridal Veil Conference Room/Zoom info can be found here
  • January 28th:  KOTO Access 4 pm with BOE members, student representatives and/or Superintendent
  • Join Superintendent John Pandolfo for Coffee Talk on Thursday, January 30th from 8:15 to 9:30 AM at LizTelluride located at 200 West Colorado Avenue
  • Telluride Adaptive Sports Program presents SPED kid at the Black Box $40 January 18th. Buy Tickets and support TASP.