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Posted Date: 1/17/25 (8:19 PM)

Miner Bee
Miner Bee Messenger
Weekly Communication for TES Families
January 17, 2025
Winter PE
Principal Post
Family Math Night at TES
February 11th 
Join us for a fun night of math activities for the entire family! Each grade level will host math games and activities as well as the special area teachers. Mark you calendars!
*Reminder it is a three day weekend and we will return on Tuesday for our 3rd Winter PE day!
Kelly Treinen
Telluride Elementary School
(970) 369-1219
Superintendent Update on Powerschool Data Breach
From the Superintendent - We want to provide you with an update regarding the recent PowerSchool data breach and the steps being taken to address it. PowerSchool has confirmed that some of our district’s records were accessed during the breach. They have assured us that they are committed to meeting all legal requirements related to this incident. Additionally, our district IT team is actively monitoring our systems to ensure no further unauthorized access occurs. According to PowerSchool, the data breach primarily involves parent and student contact information, including names and addresses. In some cases across their customer base, personally identifiable information (PII) such as Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and medical information, was also affected. To support those impacted, PowerSchool has committed to: (1) Directly notifying individuals whose information was accessed; and (2) Offering Identity Protection and Credit Monitoring services to affected individuals. This was part of a large-scale international breach which appears to have significantly impacted PowerSchool’s capacity to respond as quickly as we would prefer. However, they assure us that they are working diligently to address the situation. For more information, including frequently asked questions, please visit PowerSchool’s incident page: SIS Incident | PowerSchool. Thank you for your understanding and patience regarding this challenging situation. If you have any immediate concerns, please feel free to reach out.

John Pandolfo
Telluride R-1 School District

“On the floor, by the door, the night before!”

Jan. 21st, Jan. 28th, Feb. 4th (final day)
Each Day Begins and Ends at TES 8:10-3:15

Please allow extra time for drop-off during Winter PE days!!

Lunch~ Important Note Below

Ski PE Students: if you have opted into the TSD Sack Lunch Program your student’s name will be on the list and they will be served a bag lunch at Big Billie’s Ski School Cafeteria. If not, they will need to hand their fully disposable sack lunch to their classroom teacher which will then be delivered to Big Billie’s. Students that have purchased the Lunch Program through Big Billies will be served a hot lunch at Big Billies.

TSSC Students: sack lunch in backpack to give to coach. Or money in their pocket to buy lunch. Club kids do not eat at Big Billie’s.

Skate/Art Students: if you have signed up for the TSD Sack Lunch Program, your student’s name will be on the list and they will eat their prepared lunch at Ahaa. If not, they must bring a sack lunch in their backpack. Bring a water bottle and 2 snacks.

ClimbScience: if you have signed up for the TSD Sack Lunch Program, your student’s name will be on the list and they will eat their prepared lunch at Pinhead. If not, they must bring a sack lunch in their backpack. Bring a water bottle and 2 snacks. Wear weather appropriate shoes and clothing. Students will be walking back and forth to TIS Climbing Gym/ Pinhead. As well as spending a lot of time outdoors doing fun activities.
Parents and Guardians ~ Students must return to school at the end of the day unless they are Ill or Injured.

General Information
To participate in each Winter PE program your child must arrive at school on time. Parents and students should consider Winter PE a regular school day. Attendance and punctuality are expected. Attendance will be taken promptly at 8:10 am. Be early and allow extra time. Students start and end their day in the classroom. They may NOT be picked up early from the ski area. Any student who arrives at school unprepared will not be allowed to participate. If a student is ILL, they should stay home. Please notify the office by 8:00. 

Unloading your Child’s Equipment
Mark all equipment with your child’s name. Duct Tape and Sharpie work best.

KG~ all skis are to be dropped off and checked in with a Staff member. Kindergarten skis will go into specific ski group duffle bags. Your student will come to school with their ski boots on and enter through the basement. Check in with your teacher in the designated area of the basement for attendance. 
1st Grade~ All skis dropped off in front of the school in the school ski truck. Staff will be available to assist. Drop boots off in a designated area outside of the gym on the 1st floor. Students will keep their poles with them and go to class for attendance.
2nd Grade~ All skis dropped off in front of the school in the school truck. Drop boots off in the designated area on the 2nd floor entry by the Preschool. Students will keep their poles with them and go to class for attendance. 

Due to Limited storage space, it is necessary that you pick up your child’s ski equipment and take it home at the end of the day. Skis will be lined up on the front lawn for pick-up. Unfortunately, State regulations prevent skis from being transported on the bus. Please mark all equipment clearly with your child’s name so you will be able to easily identify it for pickup. Please use the stickers provided to label your child’s
Proper behavior ensures a fun and safe learning experience for all the students. Therefore, all school rules and behavior expectations for students apply during the Winter PE Program. Students are expected to follow instructions and all safety rules on the lifts and slopes. They are expected to be respectful toward their instructor, fellow students and skiing in public at all times. 

Feel free to contact Erika at 970-369-1208 if you have any questions or concerns.
Be safe, Think Snow & Have Fun!


No Breakfast will be served on Tuesdays with Ski PE.
Elementary Ski PE Drop Off Flow starting January 7th 

No parking allowed during drop off on 400 W Columbia Ave.
TES Looking Ahead

Tuesday, January 14, 21, 28 and Feb. 4th
  • Winter PE, 3:15 PM Release time
Monday, January 20th
  • No School, MLK Holiday
Tuesday, February 11th
  • Family Math Night at TES
Friday, February 14th
  • Half Day PK-12
Monday, February 17th
  • No School, Presidents Day Holiday
Tuesday, February 25th
  • No School PK-12 Conferences
Community Events/Flyers:
Update Emergency Contacts: Ensure Your Child's Safety
TSD Families,
As we begin the new year, it is essential that all parents and guardians review and update their emergency contact information. In the event of a snow day, emergency, or unexpected situation, we cannot release students to anyone who is not listed as an approved emergency contact. We suggest having at least 3 contacts on file and check the field "school pickup".
Please take a moment to verify that your contact details and designated individuals are up to date. You can update this information by following the instructions below:
  1. Logging into PowerSchool
  2. Navigate to “Forms” on the left-hand side of the screen
  3. Then select “Form A – Demographics and Student Contacts” 
  4. Under “Student and Family Contacts” is where you can add, remove, and update emergency contacts. 
  5. Once your contacts have been updated, please click “Submit” at the bottom of the page.
If you have questions or need help accessing your account, please reach out to your school’s administrative assistant.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter. Keeping your information current ensures we can respond quickly and appropriately to any situation for the safety and well-being of all students!
Telluride School District
Kim Spaulding
Assistant to the Superintendent/Secretary to the Board
Community/District Info 1.16.24
  • January 21st: BOE Monthly Meeting at 5:15 Bridal Veil Conference Room/Zoom. Agenda and Zoom information can be found at:
  • January 27th: District Accountability 5:15 pm Bridal Veil Conference Room/Zoom info can be found here
  • January 28th: KOTO Access 4 pm with BOE members, student representatives and/or Superintendent
  • Join Superintendent John Pandolfo for Coffee Talk on Thursday, January 30th from 8:15 to 9:30 AM at LizTelluride located at 200 West Colorado Avenue
  • Telluride Adaptive Sports Program presents SPED kid at the Black Box $40 January 18th. Buy Tickets and support TASP.  

Karate 2
Jan calendar
Kelly T Pic
Contact Information
Telluride Elementary School

Principal: Kelly Treinen
Phone: 970-728-6615